Descaling coffee machines

Descaling coffee machines

Limescale causes faults and impairs flavour

When water is heated, limescale is deposited. Pipes narrowed by limescale not only slow down the heating process and therefore consume more energy, but may even cause the machine to break down completely. Limescale also has a negative effect on the coffee itself. Although a small amount of calcium carbonate is important to the flavour of coffee, too much gives the water an unpleasant aftertaste and prevents the coffee aromas from developing as they should, partly due to fluctuating water temperatures.

CLARIS removes the need for descaling

The right water is crucial to the taste of the coffee because coffee consists in fact of 98 % water. In addition to calcium, minerals and fluorides, the tap water in many areas contains traces of lead, copper, aluminium and chlorine. Positioned directly in the water tank, the CLARIS filter freshly filters the water every time coffee is prepared. It completely absorbs harmful substances while retaining important fluorides, which help the flavours to really develop. With the optimum water quality, every cup of coffee becomes a full-bodied taste experience. CLARIS eliminates the need to descale the machine.

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