News — Which Jura Coffee machine

Maintenance of a coffee machine

Maintenance of a coffee machine

Why is it so important to maintain an automatic coffee machine on a regular basis?The right maintenance guarantees the optimum coffee result and measurably extends the lifetime of your automatic machine. When it comes to the perfect coffee result and smooth machine functioning, the cleanliness of the machine and the hygienic handling of milk, coffee and water are just as important as the technical refinements of the automatic machine itself. We have developed the JURA range of phosphate-free maintenance products to make it easy to maintain the machine at the touch of a button. The CLARIS filter delivers perfect water,...

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Descaling coffee machines

Descaling coffee machines

When water is heated, limescale is deposited. Pipes narrowed by limescale not only slow down the heating process and therefore consume more energy, but may even cause the machine to break down completely. Limescale also has a negative effect on the coffee itself. 

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How long does/should a coffee machine last?

How long does/should a coffee machine last?

 It revealed that coffee machines have an average service life of six years. But at nine years, JURA machines last 50% longer.

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